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Crescent City Creatures Book One

Raphael Saar is an exiled werewolf, a convict on the direct path to a death sentence—for a crime he didn’t commit. He doesn’t care, so long as he can end the human trafficking ring kidnapping women across New Orleans.
Recovering from a horrific tragedy, one particularly bad day for Mary Newman has stretched into months. A nanny for a wealthy family in New Orleans, she can’t understand why she’s being constantly humiliated by her boss until the night she learns that he’s not human—and neither is she.
Only Raphael can save her from the monster feeding from her misery, but will Mary be able to stop his execution? Werewolves, banshees, a wompus cat and a haint team up to rid New Orleans of a group of immortals determined to hurt the city’s women and kill Raphael’s pack.
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Content/Theme(s): Shifters, Werewolves, Ghosts, Banshees, Urban Fantasy
Release Date: November 23, 2015
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books

Excerpt & More
Mary knew she stood as stiff as a board. Her upper lip had certainly thinned in the way her mother used to, not unkindly, say was unattractive. When she thought she felt a hand nearing her, she lurched away, causing her to almost fall into the crowd of dancers, drinks sloshing and curses following behind her.
Then she saw him. He stood almost a head taller than all the other men in the club, but he wasn’t thin. He had a massive chest that tapered to lean hips and muscular thighs, all encased in matte black. His hair matched his clothes and she couldn’t make out his eyes, even when the strobe lights flashed, but she was sure they were as dark as his hair. Unlike the other men in the room, he looked like it was just as hard for him to be there as it was for her. He didn’t appear bored, but as if there was somewhere else he had to be, and it was not here. His grimace was feral; she thought she saw a fleeting slash of bared white teeth.
He frowned at the two men on either side of him. All three seemed to spend the majority of their time at the gym. The man on the right was slightly unhappy, but less angry than his friend. He was leaner than the other two, with sandy brown hair and slitted eyes. Tattoos sleeved one of his arms. The man on the right reminded Mary of Thor, with blond hair curling to his shoulders, his blue eyes sparkling as he ignored his friends’ ire. How he was so cheerful in the midst of the Angst Brothers’ tempers, she didn’t know. She couldn’t help but notice Thor still seemed dangerous, despite his smile. He’s just the friendliest of the three. She decided not to cross any of them.
Suddenly the dark man turned his head, meeting her gaze. She’d been caught staring. She felt a blush creep up from her chest as she quickly dragged her eyes away. Going to avoid that corner of the room.
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Be on the lookout for Samantha Stone's future release(s): Hunted coming Feb 2016
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