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Aug 14, 2014

Cover Reveal - Markers and Monsters by Maria Violante

Cover & Excerpt Reveal

Markers and Monsters
by Maria Violante

The Markers Book Two

Monsters_and_Markers-Maria_ViolanteBetween a screwed up prophecy, an evil order on your tail, and monster attacks—who has time for love?

Charlie Kale never thought she'd find herself on the run. She never expected to be apprenticed into a shadow order at gunpoint, either. But when her stint in the Markers goes sour, the truck-driver turned monster-fighter only has three options: stick around and make a prophecy baby with a man she hates, die at the hand of an evil organizational head known only as the Cronus, or make a run for it.

She'll take option three, thank you.

Her only plan is a long shot into a painful past and the hope that somewhere along the line, her absent father left her enough of a clue to find a way out. That information isn’t going to come easy, though. A mysterious power is taking over her body, the evil head of the Markers and his hit-men are on her tail, and a plethora of nightmare creatures all seem dead-set on making her food.

Can she really find a way through with just her light and her dog?

Genre: Urban Fantasy
Content/Theme(s): Truckers, Magic, Fae, Monsters, Romance
Release Date: August 7, 2014
Taliesin Publishing
Excerpt & More

Purchase links:  Taliesin  Amazon  ARe  Smashwords  Kobo  B&N
I wriggled my way forward, the gun in my hands and tried to ignore the way the asphalt scraped at my elbows, my belly, my legs. I jumped when I heard the first gun go off to my right—Joseph’s shot. I glanced over. He was kneeling, the sole of one foot facing me.

My forward motion stopped as the muzzle of the gun caught on something. The acerbic smell of the tire next to me filled my nose. I’d never forget it.

Finally, I wrenched the thing free and managed to pull myself out onto the road in front of me. Diesel shot past my vision, a streak of gold toward the shadows. “No!”

He didn’t stop. He just ran for the monster in front of me, bounding like a rabbit, and I had a flashback to the moment I found him coursing through the grass on the median.

The bubbler ran toward me. Its mouth was open, teeth glinting like the bars of cage. It changed its course for only a second when it met Diesel, circling around him, and kept coming for the car. Diesel jumped at it, somehow managing to grab a piece of it in his teeth. There was a horrible stretching as the bubbler kept running, and then a long piece broke off.

Shots rained around me. Joseph and Shawn came into view—they were focused on either side of them. I raised the shotgun, but I had no idea how long the range was or how wide the spray would be. I didn’t want to shoot Diesel.

I waited as the thing came closer, bearing down on me like a stampeding elephant, vibrations shaking me through the ground.

“What are you doing? Get back under the car!” Shawn’s voice was frantic. I raised the shotgun and squeezed the trigger.

Nothing happened.

Joseph hollered at me. “The safety. Flick the switch by your other hand!”

I didn’t know what he meant. Both men were firing rounds into the creature, the surface of its skin exploding in cones as the bullets hit. It staggered, but it didn’t slow down.

I screamed and scrabbled at the gun, trying to find the switch by accident—and then I pushed a teardrop shaped bit that swung around an axis like the hand of a clock, and a red dot came into view.

I lifted the gun, held my breath, and pulled the trigger.

The world around me exploded. A burning stench filled my nostrils, and my shoulder roared in pain. A giant mouth formed in the middle of the bubbler’s body, and it slumped.

Before it even hit the ground, Diesel ran for the next one.
Purchase links:  Taliesin  Amazon  ARe  Smashwords  Kobo  B&N
Other titles by Maria Violante:
De La Roca
Find Maria Violante at:
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