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Dec 23, 2013

Cover Reveal - Twin Curse by Rinelle Grey

Cover & Excerpt Reveal

Twin Curse by Rinelle Grey

Born together, wed together…

The ancient law is a curse to Brianna, whose twin sister has fallen in love with a man Brianna can’t bring herself to marry. To avoid disappointing her family, she fakes her death and escapes Eryvale to hide in the dazzling city of Bymere…but the city doesn’t live up to its promise.

Lonely and homesick, Brianna regrets her decision until she meets Lyall, a handsome mage. Their instant bond grows deeper, and despite knowing she can never marry him, Brianna accepts Lyall’s offer to leave Bymere before travellers from her village discover she’s still alive. Journeying to the exciting Isla de Magi, Brianna makes plans for a new life and is shocked to find she possesses mage magic as well. (continued...)

Excerpt & More

(...continued) However, when a chilling dream warns of an impending threat to her village, Brianna must leave the Isle and rush home to help her sister. Soon Lyall follows, chasing after the same threat and longing to reunite with Brianna. But can the two work together to stop the danger? Or will Brianna be forced to choose between her love for Lyall and the safety and happiness of her sister?

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Content/Theme(s): Magic, Magi
Release Date: December 9, 2013


Purchase links:   Amazon     Amazon UK
The sun was high in the sky by the time Mianna woke the next morning. She wanted to turn and bury her head under the pillow to hide the images of last night that haunted her. So much pain.

But hiding from it had never helped anyone in Eryvale. Hiding was too close to giving up, and if you gave up, you were dead. So Mianna made herself sit up in bed.

The bed next to hers was empty. Not an unusual occurrence, for Brianna often woke before her to ride or practice with her sword. This morning, she was probably helping dig graves. Well, Mianna could at least do something to help her twin, she thought, as she looked at the bed, sheets flung back. Bri hated housework with a passion, but usually put up with her twin’s insistence on keeping their room neat. She was excused this morning.

Rising, Mianna made her own bed before crossing the room to make Brianna’s. Unease settled over her when she found a note on the pillow in her sister’s neat, no nonsense print. She skimmed the words and the unease blossomed into panic.

         Dearest Mia,
         I wish you much happiness with Terion. He’s a good man, and I hope he will give you the life you want. In fact, I’m sure he will.
         But that life isn’t for me. I still cannot forget Kylis and even if I could, I just don’t feel the same way about Terion that you do. But it’s not fair that you should have to give up your dreams for me. Life is too short.
         Don’t grieve for me sister, for I am also doing what I want. I have long wanted to do something to avenge Kylis, and though I can stand no hope of prevailing, at least the weight that has been on my chest since his death will be gone.
         I love you. Be happy enough for both of us.

“NO!” Mianna’s scream echoed around the room, bringing her mother running.

Unable to speak, Mianna thrust the note at her, and her mother skimmed it with the same rapidity that Mianna had. Then she read it again more carefully.

“When did she leave?” she asked.

“I have no idea.” How could she have been so deeply asleep that she didn’t hear Brianna leave? Had it been early this morning? The events of the previous night, and Brianna’s suspicious change of heart began to feel heavy in her chest. Had Brianna planned this, even then? How could she not have noticed?

Turning on her heels, her mother left the room. Mianna pulled on her dressing gown as she raced after her mother, running to keep up with her long strides. Down the stairs, out the back door, to stare across the open, blood stained fields, to the ridge.

There was no sign of Brianna.

“Surely the guards at the pass will have stopped her?” Mianna’s voice was high and panicked.

“I told them to take the night off. We’d lost so many men, and we’ve never had two attacks in quick succession.” Her mother’s voice was haunted.

Mianna collapsed onto the grass, unable to believe that her sister was gone.

No one ever came back once they crossed the ridge.
Purchase links:   Amazon     Amazon UK

Other titles by Rinelle Grey:
Reckless Rescue
Reckless Rebellion
Find Rinelle Grey at:
Twitter: @RinelleGrey
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