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Nov 1, 2016

Flesh and Blood by Laurencia Hoffman and Sophie Smith

Flesh and Blood
Flesh and Blood
by Laurencia Hoffman &
Sophie Smith

Wages of Sin Book Two

To truly live, you have to die first…

They swore they would never see each other again, but after Blake begs for a second chance, Melina agrees to give their relationship another try. They look past their transgressions and move toward the future, but with their willingness to be in each other's lives comes great danger. The infamous werewolf pack is on their heels and they have no intention of letting the vampires escape this time.

After a traumatizing incident, Izzy and Melina grow closer, though it drives Izzy and Blake further apart. Blake is determined to prove his devotion to his friends and family, but his erratic behavior threatens to destroy his relationships. Secrets are revealed, lines are crossed, and lives are forever changed.

Genre: Urban Fantasy
Content/Theme(s): Vampires, Werewolves, Paranormal, Horror
Release Date: October 4, 2016
CHBB Publishing/Vamptasy
Excerpt & More

Purchase link(s):  Amazon   BAM   B&N
Everything hurt, again. She had just healed from what Darien had done and now there was this. A chunk of skin was absent from her wrist, exposing the bone. She was pretty sure that a few ribs were broken, and the wrist with the exposed bone was probably broken as well.

There was a large wound on her shoulder that extended to her spine, and there were scratches everywhere from where their claws had dug into her.

She felt blood trickling down her neck, but she didn’t think the teeth had done too much damage, and if they had then she would be dead shortly.

The more she moved, the harder it was to breathe, so she gasped and sputtered; coughing up blood.

“Fuck me.”

Where was she going to go? In cases of an extreme emergency, she did sometimes go to a hospital, but as soon as she was healed enough she would discharge herself.

Now that she was clothed, she got into the front seat, but she didn’t really have the strength to drive anywhere. She was either going to sit there and heal or bleed out.

She jumped when her door opened and she saw Alek standing there. He must have been there to finish her off. “So that’s why they stopped? You wanted the glory?”

Alek looked over her wistfully. His eyes were sad and sunken in. “I didn’t want this. It’s Isabel, isn’t it?”

She cringed and shook her head. No one called her that. “No, it’s Izzy.”

He was supposed to be the good guy. He hated that he was becoming the villain; he wanted nothing to do with it. “Well, Izzy, I just put a tracker on your car. You’re supposed to lead us straight to your father, but since the tracker is on your car and not on you, I suggest that you drive for as long as you can, abandon your car, and then call an ambulance.”

She was confused. Why was he telling her this? He was the bad guy, wasn’t he? He wanted her father dead. Alek had tortured Blake and Melina. She’d had half a mind to kill them all even if she wasn’t really capable of it. “Why are you helping me?”

“Because you’re an innocent. Blake Auckley and Melina Collins have both done things to warrant revenge, terrible things. You’ve done nothing as far as I can tell.” Alek had never let innocent people get caught in the crossfire. Normally, he would have had the power over his clan to stop them from doing such things, but they wanted Blake desperately. He couldn’t stop them because everyone was suspicious of Alek’s intentions toward Melina. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to kill her or save her.

“If you were a decent man you would leave them alone. She’s human now; she can’t do anything to you.” Her eyes widened. Had she really just told him that? The loss of blood was going straight to her head. She’d forgotten who she was with. “Oh God.”

Alek was shocked by the news. He blinked a few times as he absorbed the information, but he wasn’t going to use it. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself knowing that he’d caused this poor girl more damage. “They have two options; to stay where they are or to move somewhere else permanently. Tell them not to travel too much. It’s not safe.”
Purchase link(s):  Amazon   BAM   B&N
Other titles by Laurencia Hoffman & her alter ego, Jolene Poole:
A Wish for
Find Laurencia Hoffman & her alter ego, Jolene Poole, at:
Twitter: @iwritestories7
Laurencia Hoffman Facebook page
Laurencia Hoffman Goodreads author page
Laurencia Hoffman Amazon author page
More Laurencia Hoffman on Cover Reveals

Jolene Poole Goodreads author page
Jolene Poole Amazon author page
More Jolene Poole on Cover Reveals

Be on the lookout for Laurencia Hoffman & Sophie Smith's future release(s): Life and Death coming December 2016

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