Cover & Excerpt
Cowboy Sex Book Eight

Mark and Spenser McCoy aren’t blinded by love. They’re living out their country music dreams while Patience stays home managing a thriving fetish club business. When Baron professes his love for Patience, it comes as no surprise. The McCoys are relieved to know Patience has embraced someone who will keep her safe.
Before Patience and her men can enjoy their new relationship, they must find a way to keep everyone they love out of harm’s way. Soon, Baron cuts a deal with a mob boss bent on revenge and uncovers a shocking revelation about his past. Will his discovery help the Cartwells and McKays protect their families or move them closer to those who are determined to destroy them?
Genre: Contemporary Western Romance
Content/Theme(s): Ménage, Musicians, Suspense, Thriller, M/F/M/M, BDSM
Release Date: May 18, 2015
Publisher: Siren-BookStrand
Excerpt & More
Purchase link(s): Bookstrand Excerpt:
“Sit tight.” Baron snatched the garage opener from the sun visor and shot Patience a stern sideways glance. “And I’m not asking.”
Before she could respond, he left the car and aimed the keys in her direction. With the wok wok sound, the locks were engaged in an instant. Apparently satisfied, Baron walked ahead, sliding on ice before he paraded up the driveway and around the exterior of her home.
Patience scanned the yard, certain someone was watching them. Then again, that particular feeling wasn’t necessarily new. With collected family enemies, she’d learned to live with danger.
She didn’t have to like it.
Baron reappeared. Tall and built like an indestructible machine, he carried himself with the confidence often exhibited by a Navy SEAL or perhaps a Marine. At the very least, he looked like a badass with some serious attitude.
He pointed the garage door opener at the house. Assuming he must’ve thought it was safe enough to enter, Patience immediately unlocked her door and hopped out.
“Patience, I didn’t tell you to get out of the car. Go back.”
“Look, Mr. Man, I know you think you’re in charge here, but just because Mark and Spenser called in their favors, doesn’t mean…”
Pow! Puppow! Pow! Pow! Bullets ricocheted off the tin roof covering her neighbor’s shed. The impact from the gunfire made the ice and snow skip across her front lawn. Even more disturbing was the proximity. Several rounds had been fired right at her feet.
“I’m okay!” Pivoting left, she swung the car door open and ducked behind it, aware then of Baron’s heavy footsteps as he ran toward her. Fighting the violent tremors shooting through her body, she crawled inside the sports car.
Before she had a chance to gain her bearings, Baron was there. “Scoot over.” He didn’t give her time to respond. Instead, he scooped her up and tossed her over the console, propelling her body to the driver’s seat. “Damn it, woman! I told you to wait.”
Patience nervously turned the key. “I know. I’m sorry.”
Now the passenger, Baron clutched his pistol in hand. At the same time, he aimed the garage opener at the vacant space before them. As the door lowered, he yelled, “Go!”
She stepped on the gas and hauled ass forward, only to barely brake in time to miss crashing into the house. Behind them, another round of shots pummeled the back of her car.
“Damn it, Patience! I meant get out of here!”
She’d failed to notice the closing door. In the past, she’d managed to put on brave fronts. Now, she was mere seconds from blowing her courageous act. “How was I supposed to know you were shutting the garage?”
“Doesn’t matter! Drive!” Baron rolled down the window and flung his body over the side of her car, firing his automatic weapon. “Anytime now, baby!”
Jolting out of her debilitating angst, she threw the car in reverse and wheeled out of the driveway. Baron never stopped shooting into the trees that lined the vacant lot between Patience’s house and another neighborhood.
A second later, they were hauling ass toward Fletcher. Shaking like a limb, she tried to pull it together, but it was no use. Someone had been waiting for her. They’d scoped out her home and treated her like a target.
Baron placed his hand on her wrist, apparently under the misguided impression that one touch would calm her in some way. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
She pulled in the emergency lane and slammed the gearshift in park. Then, she buried her face in her hands and took a few deep breaths. How could he promise to protect her after what he’d just seen?
“Patience.” Baron took her hands in his. “Listen to me. As long as I draw air, nothing and no one will ever hurt you. Do you believe me?”
Purchase link(s): Bookstrand
Other titles by Natalie Acres:
Frustration | Travels in Threes | Trouble | Trouble |
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