Cover & Excerpt
Morna's Legacy Book One

Texas kindergarten teacher, Brielle Montgomery, finds comfort in the mundane routines of her life, but when her archaeologist mother asks her to accompany her on a dig in Scotland, she decides to step out of her comfort zone. Once in Scotland, they discover a secret spell room below the castle ruins, and Bri finds herself transported back in time and suddenly married to the castle's ill-fated Laird. Now, she must work to change the fate of his people, all while trying to find a way to return to her home and century. But with each passing day, Bri finds herself falling more deeply in love with her new husband. If she can find a spell to bring her home, will she use it? And if she stays, will it ultimately mean her own death as well?
Genre: Historical Romance
Content/Theme(s): Time Travel, Scottish
Release Date: November 16, 2013 (ppb)

Additional series info & more
Thru Jan 23, 2014, Love Beyond Time on sale for 99¢ at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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Love Beyond Time Excerpt:
Vision slowly made its way back to me as I waited for the blurry images to clear. I reached to grip the edge of the table and struggled to pull myself to my feet. I moved my hands to grip the sides of my head, only briefly registering that my fingers didn't come away from the table's surface covered in dust. I could hear the blood pounding in my head, and I couldn't catch my breath. A voice from behind me started to penetrate my foggy brain.
On unsteady feet I spun toward the doorway, struggling to make out the form standing in front of me. I knew it had to be my mother, but it didn't look like her. This was a short, plump woman, while my mother was tall and slim.
I closed my eyes briefly and opened them once more, hoping it would help me clear my sight. It did nothing to increase my vision, but I could now make out the woman's words.
Why is Mom talking like that? I don't understand what she's saying. Am I injured? My head certainly feels like it. Did part of the ceiling collapse? What's happening? Thoughts coursed through my mind as I listened to the woman's ramblings.
"Oh God! Oh dear, sweet Mother O' God! The old laird was right. What is old Mary going to do now? And with the lass just hours away from her wedding! Lassies picked a grand time to be messing with magic, they did!"
That's definitely not Mom. Am I in the hospital or something? Wait! Wedding? What the hell is going on?
I struggled to process my surroundings as I felt the woman's hands grip my shoulders and shake them.
"Lass! Are ye all right? Old Mary needs ye to speak."
"Please, stop shaking me! It's killing my head!" I gasped and reached to grab my head once more, realizing I could finally see the woman clearly. The pain that had nearly ripped me in half only moments ago had slowly eased into a migraine.
"Oh dear heavens, lass! Where'd ye learn to speak in such a manner? Ye must be from far away, dearie. Old Mary's never heard any such speech in her life."
I felt the shaking stop and looked into the gray eyes that were studying me fiercely.
"Oh, by the Saints, lass! I never believed his stories, but ye do look remarkably similar; except Lady Blaire would never dress in such inappropriate attire. Why, ye look like the worse kind of tavern wench! I can see the shape of yer legs, lass! Not to mention . . ."
My head was throbbing too incessantly to concentrate. I scanned the room, while silently willing the woman to stop speaking.
I knew I wasn't in a hospital. The space looked old and somehow familiar. Slowly, I turned my head back to the table I was leaning against now and saw the portrait of myself.
Memories of what I'd been doing only moments before came rushing back, and panic burst forth as I shot out of the woman's reach.
"Where's my mother? What happened? What? What is that?" My voice and fingers were shaking as I pointed to the portrait and stared back at the old woman.
"Oh, ye poor thing. Ye look quite frightened to death."
I watched as the woman moved toward me once more and pulled me toward a stool in the corner of the room.
The woman was right. I was scared. Attempting to stifle my panic, I followed her urging and collapsed onto the smooth, wooden seat.
"Are ye all right now, Lass? Allow me to explain to ye, Dearie."
I simply nodded as numbness replaced the sense of panic, and turned to watch the woman as she spoke.
"I'll no be sure about the where and when ye came from, dearie, but I can tell by yer manner of speech and dress, it is nowhere I've ever seen or heard about. Not that old Mary's been or seen very many places."
I watched as the woman paused and chuckled slightly. Then, seeing my confusion, she stopped laughing and pulled her face into a look of seriousness once again.
"But I can tell ye that today is the third day of November in the year sixteen hundred and forty-five. And it is yer wedding day."
Love Beyond Time Purchase links: Amazon Sony Kobo B&N

by Bethany Claire
Morna's Legacy Book Two

It all started with a spell.
Arran Conall lives with the consequences of his foolishness daily, his mistakes guiding him into darkness. He had no way to know that his beloved would fall prey to the ancient magic that awaited Blaire on the day he'd sent her away to marry his brother. Now, the only woman to ever give pause to his philandering ways lives centuries ahead of him, out of reach while still holding on to his heart. Now, he must try to live a life without her and marries another to save the lass from a greedy suitor who only wants to lay title to her father's territory.
His love for Blaire haunts him. With every breath, he prays only one thing—that she will be able to feel his love for her across the chasms of time...
Born in the seventeenth century, Blaire MacChristy lives each day trying to adjust to the challenges of modern-day life. Magic brought her here, but heartbreak keeps her from using the magic to travel back to her home. When visitors from her past arrive asking her to return to the life she'd known before, Blaire takes a chance on love. Once home, she is shocked to learn that the man she loves has married another. Will fate find a way to mend their broken hearts by bringing them together once again? Even if it does, will they be able to stop the darkness that is coming for them both?
Love Beyond Reason Purchase links: Amazon Kobo B&N

by Bethany Claire
A Morna's Legacy Novella

It's Yuletide at Conall Castle.
Christmas is quickly approaching, and Adelle is determined to make this Christmas the best one Conall Castle has ever seen, but loneliness haunts her. Love for her daughter sent her into the past, but she'd not expected the isolation she would feel. A former socialite and serial dater, she finds that her current age seems much older in the seventeenth century than it did in the twenty-first. She resigns herself to the fact that she will remain single for the rest of her days. At least until an unexpected visitor arrives at the castle...
Hew Moray has spent the last twenty years all alone, only leaving his isolated home once a year to pay homage to the wife he lost long ago. When a winter storm causes him to seek shelter at the castle where his sister lives, he meets the first lass since his beloved Mae to make his heart flutter in his chest once again. Will he be able to release himself from his past grief to allow another love to enter his life? If he does, will his love be returned?
A Conall Christmas Purchase links: Amazon B&N
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Be on the lookout for Bethany Claire's upcoming release Love Beyond Hope coming February 2014
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