by Ravyn Wilde
A Creatures of Myth novel
Vampire Sentinel, Marie Antoinette, has seen it all. Lived it all. Now happy with her life, she has certainly earned the shadows in her eyes. She spends her nights alone, protecting humans and immortals, until an unidentified evil drives her to find help.
Responding to her call, an old, human friend introduces her to his son, Justin. The attraction between the two is immediate. But, Maria doesn't care if he recently retired from the Special Forces, this isn't the time to trust someone who doesn't know ANYTHING about the paranormal community.
Justin’s life hasn’t been easy, and he is not interested in any type of relationship. His last assignment with a counter terrorist unit, took all the joy out of his life. His father has the perfect solution—introduce him to the only person he knows with that same faraway look in her eyes.
Justin has been forced into a world he didn’t realize existed, and discovers an unwanted and deadly attraction to a MUCH older woman. His inexperience with this new reality is liable to get him killed, or worse!
Throw in an old boyfriend with a chip on his shoulder, a legendary monster they can’t kill, and a few rogue werewolves and…well…life is about to get very complicated.
Come play with the Creatures of Myth, and fall in love with something just a little Wilde!
Note: This was originally published in November 2009 by Ellora's Cave as part of the Vampire Sentinel series. It has been re-edited, expanded, and enhanced.
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Content/Theme(s): Vampires, Werewolves, Fae, Alternate History, Light Horror, Humor
Release Date: November 14, 2016
Publisher: Indie

Excerpt & More
Purchase link(s): Amazon ARe iTunes Kobo B&NExcerpt:
Let them eat cake…
It was a hedonistic and sarcastic rebuttal to the unsolicited information that her peasants were starving. Those words were splashed across the newspapers of the day, accompanied by a very unflattering drawing.
Her enemies used the phrase to define her, more damning…even her friends believed her capable of the sentiment.
That one sentence had followed her through all the years of her life—and death.
What a bitch! They had cried, or words to that effect.
She was said to be a royal pain in the ass—self-indulged, self-absorbed, a class-conscious bitch of a snob.
Friend and foe alike…agreed.
The guillotine served as her wake-up call.
Thank, God she had discovered Luscious Lucian’s secrets. Then managed to seduce him into her way of thinking, before the fateful guillotine dropped.
The years that followed her…death…changed her.
She had needed those years—two hundred and twelve of them, to be exact—to grow up. She was only thirty-seven when she lost her head, and had been somewhat immature and self-centered, although she was nothing like her very public depiction.
Staring out at the dark sky, she wondered for the hundredth time if the media campaign, designed by the French aristocrats and carried out with the sole intention of turning a nation against her—was the first one of its kind.
She guessed it didn’t matter now.
The centuries added to her life, gave her time to mature and evolve into a woman who looked out over the city she protected…
Knowing the words “Let them eat cake,” stood for something far different. In this time, in this place, and more importantly in her heart and soul…she cared for these people. Mortal and immortal alike. She wanted nothing but the best for them.
Let them eat cake.
She no longer played the role of despotic ruler.
Straightening her spine, she smiled. She was Sentinel.
“Hello, sweet cheeks.”
The male baritone voice belonged to Matt. She couldn’t fault him for intruding on her introspection. Besides, she loved listening to him—his voice sounded as rich as molasses, and dripped with sin.
She turned to watch the show as the cover-model boy-toy strutted with ingrained confidence, across the penthouse garden. His body was all tan perfection and muscled temptation, and it was showcased in tight black jeans and a black tank top. The hair falling around his shoulders looked golden, long, and bad-boy tousled.
“You are soooo not subservient enough,” she mumbled.
“Darling, I can do subservient with the best of them. You just don’t have the proper dangly bits to make it worth my while.” Matt smirked as he did a little girly flip of his hair.
She socked him in the stomach.
He laughed.
“Wake up on the wrong side of the coffin this evening, luv?” he questioned impudently.
She shook her head. She would not explain to Matt the nightmare she was plagued with, or how she began this night with an overwhelming feeling that something new—something Bad with a capital B—had moved into her territory.
He would only worry and nag her to death. Not to mention she would have to explain to him why she was dreaming. Somehow. Because in all her centuries of undead life, she never dreamed.
How weird was that? She was fucking two hundred and twelve years old for Christ’s sake, and it seemed a little ridiculous to start having nightmares at this late date.
She had created a fiend the night she turned Matt into a vampyr’s human servant. Two servants, she amended, as she could hear Laurel coming to find Hardy. Brian coming to find Matt—they made the cutest couple.
She sighed. They were the perfect human servants for her—both were a weird cross between a Jewish mother and Dracula’s Igor. Snorting to herself, she turned to watch the dark-side of the beefcake duo as he came into sight. Her gift to them of nearly eternal life, only enhanced what God had doled out in spades at their birth.
Brian was as dark as Matt was golden. He had long, jet-black hair, with moonlight pale skin and a sadistic sense of humor. The hard body was as toned and sculpted as Matt’s.
They were her bookends.
Matt and Brian started out many years ago as each other’s fuck buddies, and they ended up as lifelong partners.
Longer than lifelong partners, considering the fact they had been with her for almost thirty years, and didn’t look a day over twenty-six—which was the age they were when she met them. In mortal years, they were in their early fifties. They would age over an almost endless period of time.
Because, as long as she lived, they would.
“You’re salivating sweet cheeks,” Matt said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Sure I am, I’m hungry,” she countered.
“Well, I am not going to be your snack tonight,” Brian stated. “Go fang bang some appreciative human male.”
“Wonderful idea,” she said, hopping up onto the four-foot brick wall surrounding the penthouse garden space.
She turned to smirk at the two of them as she leaned into the wind and plummeted backwards off the edge. She smiled as she heard Matt’s indrawn breath and his verbal cry…
“I fucking hate it when you do that, Maria!” he shouted.
Her girlish giggle rippled through the night. Damn she loved the two of them. She couldn’t conceive of living without their irritating and drool-worthy presence.
Purchase link(s): Amazon ARe iTunes Kobo B&N
Other titles by Ravyn Wilde:
& Myth |
Magic |
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Enemies |
the Book |
Book |
& Eve |
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Be on the lookout for Ravyn Wilde's future release(s): Supernatural Speed Dating coming late Nov 2016. See a Free Preview at www.instafreebie.com/author/ravynwilde
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