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Sep 2, 2013

Going All In by Cassandra Carr Isabo Kelly Stacey Agdern

Going All In
Going All In
by Cassandra Carr, Isabo Kelly & Stacey Agdern
New York Empires Book One

Professional hockey players Marcus, Alex, and Chris attended their team's Vegas Night fundraiser having no idea their lives would change forever.

Unfortunately, issues face each of the men on their quest for happiness.

Can they move past their difficulties and win the most important game of their lives – the game of love? These guys are going all in…

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Content/Theme(s): Sports, Hockey
Release Date: August 28, 2013
Publisher: T&D Publishing


More on each story in the collection

Purchase links:  Amazon  Smashwords

Hedging His Bet by Cassandra Carr

Marcus Mitchell never thought he’d find the love of his life with champagne dripping from her shirt, but you can’t always plan these things. Annalise Alonso isn’t going to make it easy for him, though—he’s going to have to work for her love. Now, Marcus is taking a shot and hedging his bet on love.

Casting the Die by Isabo Kelly

After she sees his murder in a vision, Nathalie Mendez knows she has to warn star hockey goalie Alexander Semenov of the danger. To keep him alive, she risks exposing her many secrets. But once the die is cast, her biggest gamble could be her heart.

Playing Her Game by Stacey Agdern

Melanie Gould writes about passionate relationships, but keeps people at a distance…except when she’s promoting her books. Of course, she’s never gone head to head with a guy like Chris Emerson. Unfortunately, Chris is trying to behave, and someone like Melanie would destroy his plans to stay under the radar. So what happens when the woman the media has dubbed the ‘Girl in the Lace Corset’ and the NHL’s most infamous bad boy go one on one? Will they play her game? Will they play his? Or will they both end up in the penalty box?

Other titles by Cassandra Carr & Isabo Kelly:

Should've Known Better
By Cassandra Carr
The Secret Of Narava
By Isabo Kelly

Check out more Cassandra Carr on Cover Reveals
Check out more Isabo Kelly on Cover Reveals
Check out more Stacey Agdern on Cover Reveals

Find Cassandra Carr, Isabo Kelly & Stacey Agdern at:
Twitter: @Cassandra_Carr
Twitter: @IsaboKelly
Twitter: @nystacey

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  1. Replies
    1. Glad to have you here. Hope to be able to feature more of your titles in the future.


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